Thursday, 13 February 2020

Everything went wrong but why..

Because it is the f@king ALL star game. So they are at vacations. Pfff
Whatever. No bet day as well today only 2 matches.

CU all next week.

Maybe we will keep in touch in between.

Btw I saw Parasite. It gave me a bad mood. OK a nice movie but chill not an Oscar movie.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Series End..

I mean sex education season 2... Waiting now for season 3. pffff.
NBA is here let's go with this...

Monday, 10 February 2020

Oscar 2020

Not a good day. Only one match with * (* means I am more confident but still be careful even with these). So I think it is a no bet day, mostly low odds and not clear matches. Also I do not like to bet after bad days. Rage betting is not good.

Sunday, 9 February 2020

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Sniper elite 4 book is on the way :)

Yesterday was a bad day, I have told you so.

Yesterday, I ordered the sniper elite zombie army 4: Fortress of the Dead book ! I can't play the game due to PC lacking, but I can have the book.

Let's take a look in the day

Friday, 7 February 2020

Pro-Saturday just watch sex ed season 2

Yesterday I lost 2 games for just a basket. Sad. I could have won for a basket and now celebrate.

Today is not a good day either, I think, I would watch season 2 of this amazing series.

Thursday, 6 February 2020

Sex education - Impressions from Season 1

So it was amazing. I love all the characters. The have mixed up weird thinks in a way that it fits perfect and you do not feel the taboos.

I think it will touch everyone, I mean you will relate with something for sure. It is a must watch and I am very happy that I saw it now that season 2 is out and I do not have to wait.

Yesterday was a very bad bet-in-nba day. Many favourites lost (some told you that).

Lets take a look in today's matches.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Sex education

Have you watched it ? No ? Then you should, I saw one episode before I sleep and I end up seen 3. If I was not working I would have watched all the season 1.

What about NBA ? Idk. Yesterday was not that a good day. Let's go for today.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Party with 7/7 !

Yesterday was an amazing day for my predictions.
7/7 !!!
If someone had played them it has 1 to 33 odd.

Party day :) 

Unfortunately I have 0 viewers.. But when I become a famous one. This will be unburied as a big win that I celebrated alone 😛

Monday, 3 February 2020

After the super bowl era

Did not wrote anything y-day (Sunday) mostly because I did not like the odds/matches. I think that when something happens and we get out of schedule and by we I mean the teams etc, we should not bet on them.

That's why sometimes I avoid weekends in general, I think predictions are more unstable then, but this is my opinion mostly by a separate observation.

Let's take a look in the day :)

Saturday, 1 February 2020

London walk

The today's pred were late due to a walk around London.